Monday, February 20, 2012

Plans & stuff

"Head out to the 45M mark, and you can't miss!" It's always difficult to leave a reasonable bite to chase down the dream of an even better one. This time it didn't quite work.... anyhow, setting the scene, Tim and i were entered in the fish'nhunt inaugural fishing competition. I don't really like the aspects of competition fishing, but this was with a bunch of guys with common interests, the rules were quite relaxed and the whole thing was done in the spirit of mates fishing with mates.

I rolled in from Wellington late on Friday night feeling like something the cat dragged in, unseasonal thunderstorms over Auckland had delayed flights and while I recognise that bitching about the Koru lounge being overfull is just plain downright whingeing, I was full of man flu, so there! Actually it was overflowing, and as a consequence there were very few pickings worth eating and I just don't drink booze on weekdays/near family/if there's even a hint I have to drive/on Sundays.... so by the time I got showered and into bed it was near 11.30. Alarm went at 5. Up and started packing. Was ready so that when Tim & Stephen arrived at 6am all we had to do was chuck my stuff aboard and go.

We made good time to Gulf Harbour, met up with Chris & Aunty, said hello to Luke and some other blokes and then we we launched and got underway. The day was perfect, calm, the sea oily. We drove around Tiri, noticing 2 distinct concentrations of boats. However we were more drawn to the terns that were wheeling around and popped out jigs straight under them. In no time flat we were into fish, nothing huge but still keepers. We did 3 or 4 long drifts with no need for drogue given the perfect conditions. Tim snagged a goodie in the 2kg range (oh ok, 1.7ish) which was our biggest for the day. Then we set off for the fabled 45m mark. No dramas on such a day. The next session was all about chasing work ups, but they were rapid moving, typical kahawai bust ups with no structure that appeared, got the gannets excited and terns, and by the time we arrived had moved on. We got a few big kahawai and small snaps but not worth the gas or effort expended. So we set up a drift, put on baits and sat back. The first 45 minutes were bereft of any action while the tide turned but then the bite started in earnest. Squid bait was the order of the day, the pillies going un munched. I lost an inkichu to something large (KY probably) ow ow ow. We released most fish and a few made the grade to go home in the chilly bin. For lunch we decided to catch up with Blair (Savage) and Blair (Greendog) who were fishing on Shearer's Rock along with half of Auckland. We dropped anchor nearby, set up the berley and had a good session catching a bunch of snaps and some more large kahawai. At about 3 we took off to look at Tiri Channel. Not much there so we got in early for the 4pm weigh in.

Man alive, some boat ramp muppetry unfolded then.... one big flash boat launched with prop flag still attached which we kindly pointed out, another went to retrieve with stern leg still down.. which we kindly pointed out... by the time the majority of the comp guys arrived back it was getting farcical.

We then gathered for prize giving, (Aunty won with a mini fish) and the festivities began. it was a bluddy great day in the best of conditions... too good for fishing perhaps?

As for the 45m mark.... it was about 20m too deep!

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